We will NEVER give a free answer. The reason the lesser trivia companies supply a free answer is to increase their web count. You get to spend your time researching a free answer, and they get to brag to the advertisers about how they manipulated you to do so.

If this is fun for you, thank you for visiting our site but our trivia game isn’t for you. Our trivia players have fun recalling the answer from memory, not researching it. What’s the difference between using your laptop at the table during the game to get your answer, and using your laptop before the game to get your answer? NONE!

We give you our solemn commitment: we will NEVER be like the other trivia companies – we will continue to be better in every way. We benefit from the mistakes of our competitors. Your experience at our shows will be the best. No team will have an advantage simply because they visited our website for an answer, which simply takes away from the purpose (and fun) of the game.

We do thank you, however, for exploring our site. Please return to keep apprised of new locations, new hosts, new events, and participation points for our regulars. As always, THANK YOU for letting us be your entertainers for the evening.


Whether you’re looking for more information, or you’d like to let us know how we did, send us a message!