We thank you for your interest in Trivia Night Live. The fact that you are visiting this page shows that you have a degree of courage in being a TNL host. Respectfully, we must warn you that it is as difficult to become a TNL host as it is rewarding once you become one. We derive no enjoyment out of rejecting candidates, but we vehemently protect our family’s reputation of being the best trivia show entertainers ANYWHERE.

References help. Experience helps. Stage presence and confidence helps. But more than anything you must be entertaining; you must have that “it” factor which develops a loyal following. You must also be trust-worthy. You would not be employed by TNL; we’d be entering a business relationship. We must be assured of your character, your integrity, your standard of ethics.

These elements are necessary for us to protect our reputation. If you are still interested, please contact us for further information for possible interview and audition.


Whether you’re looking for more information, or you’d like to let us know how we did, send us a message!